A downloadable game

An unfinished entry to GMTK 2023. The design was intended to interpret role reversal using the conceit of a beast that you feed to gain strength in a real-time strategy context, but who turns against you when overfed.

I wasn't expecting to complete this project in time. It's my first jam, and I programmed it in SDL2 and C++, starting largely from scratch.  This was a fun and hugely valuable learning experience, for what it's worth.

Very little of the intended experience is fully existent here. The most you can expect is some relatively basic RTS controls and the start of a system wherein the enemy's spawners propagate through the level geography like a disease. Fun stuff.


WASD for camera movement.

LEFT CLICK and DRAG to select units.

RIGHT CLICK to move selected units.


feed-the-beast.zip 168 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run "prototyping-framework.exe". Forgot to rename the file.

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